Hughie-Hugh McGahan Kiwi Captain is the story of a man who epitomises modern day New Zealand rugby league.

Hugh McGahan Kiwi Captain

Hugh McGahan stands tall in New Zealand sporting circles as a sportsman of the highest integrity and mana. Now it’s his turn to tell his story on both. The career that created the legend. And the rise and fall of the sport in New Zealand.

Sydney Roosters

Firstly, Hughie goes beyond the statistics that included 8 seasons for the Kiwis. Secondly, he covers his 115 games for Eastern Suburbs. Finally, the countless others for Otahuhu and Auckland.
Here you’ll see the real Hugh McGahan. And at the same time get an inside peek at the controversies. The problems with those who run the game and the headlines that haven’t as yet been fully explained.

New Zealand Rugby League Coach

You’ll read what makes Graham Lowe so successful. And what made Tank Gordon and Russell Fairfax so disappointing.
The best players Hugh has played with are examined,. And you’ll get an inside look at Hugh through the eyes of his wife Julia.
Critics have plauded him. The rugby league world upholds him as representing everything that is good within the game. Now it’s your turn to pay tribute to Hughie.

Hugh McGahan Kiwi Captain – Hughie Author Todd Nicholls

Todd Nicholls was educated at Christ’s College, Christchurch. In addition, he founded Nicholls Publishing. Also, at present completing a University degree in Political Science. Todd (20), has had experience in freelance journalism. Contributing articles to many sports magazines and journals. Though this is his first book.
His hobbies include anything to do with sport. Also, reading, playing rugby union, and of course, writing. Among his heroes is league coach Graham Lowe. All Black Michael Jones and swimmer Anthony Mosse.
He lists his goals as traveling. Attending Oxford University. Buying a house in Sumner and developing Nicholls Publishing to its fullest potential.

Where to Buy ‘Hughie’ New Zealand Kiwi Captain Rugby League

The excellent book ‘Hughie’-Hugh McGahan Kiwi Captain is available from Abe Books. McGahan was a Kiwi Legend and we also offer a New Zealand Rugby League Shirt Vintage Style. In addition, a New Zealand Rugby League T-Shirt Vintage Style.  Also, a Rugby League New Zealand Retro Shirt Polo